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Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
The Navy's Radium Room
In Seattle, WA was next to a popular sports arena. It looks like the contamination was largely addressed in 2010, but some remains.
More On Coldwater Creek Litigation
The case drags on. (Search my blog for "Coldwater Creek" for history)
Friday, March 29, 2013
Mangano - Closed Nuclear Plant Results In Lower Cancer
Of course! He's anti-nuclear! So he relates a decreased cancer rate to a closed nuclear plant. However, he fails to mention that most cancers across the country have continued to decline compared to past decades. To intentionally pick a county with a closed nuclear plant and suggest that its closure is the reason is committing the fallacy of cherry-picking.
Calabrese Gets Another Sucker
Someone who seems to be a chemical ecologist. To understand why hormesis, and its main propagandist Ed Calabrese, are full of bunk, see my separate webpage (upper right hand side of this one) on Ideological Toxicology.
Coal Following Tobacco's Lead
When Americans understood the dangers of tobacco, the industry focused on overseas' sales.
The coal industry is doing the same.
The coal industry is doing the same.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Atomic Ideologies Promotes Hormesis
Or radiophilia with Ed Calabrese. See my webpage (upper right side of this page) on Ideological Toxicology.
Creationism Vs. Evolution
Money is on the table, but the whole concept is stupid. Science is battled between experts, not a judge.
There have already been many U.S. court cases to show creationism is religion and not science.
There have already been many U.S. court cases to show creationism is religion and not science.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Gundersen Babbles On Again
The "Chief Engineer" of an anti-nuclear power charity who does no engineering, just propaganda:
Climate Change & W(h)ining
Climate change will open new opportunities for wine in some areas, but it will also be problematic in traditional wine growing regions.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Cancer Cluster Or Chance?
Here's a decent piece in Slate that describes what epidemiology is all about...not fooling oneself.
However, the author fails to realize that when epidemiology can't find a statistically meaningful excess, that doesn't mean the underlying molecular biology isn't still happening.
However, the author fails to realize that when epidemiology can't find a statistically meaningful excess, that doesn't mean the underlying molecular biology isn't still happening.
The Rapid Automated BIodosimetry Tool is discussed here.
It really isn't very appropriate for Fukushima because it can only discern damage down to just under 1 Gy.
It really isn't very appropriate for Fukushima because it can only discern damage down to just under 1 Gy.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
No Excess Radioactivity At Putin's Critic's Home
Boris Berezovsky died mysteriously and considering what happened to Alexander Litvinenko, the police had to check.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Speaking Of CPAC & Climate Change
Here's Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) denying global warming because President Obama wore a trench coat during his inaugural address:
Speaking of movies...here's a pseudo-movie trailer (there really isn't a movie, it was shown at CPAC to rile the audience). If they really think this way, they are delusional:
ND - You Have A Problem
Your lawmakers have defined life as starting at conception.
Life is a continuum, like the weather. One can't define the start of the weather as occurring at dawn.
Obviously, they want to essentially outlaw abortion which would violate the rights of others who may need one.
Life is a continuum, like the weather. One can't define the start of the weather as occurring at dawn.
Obviously, they want to essentially outlaw abortion which would violate the rights of others who may need one.
Friday, March 22, 2013
"I Don't Have A Degree In Science", But.....
One doesn't need a science degree necessarily to understand science. But it helps. (She makes a false comparison between "radioactive waste" and contaminated food, lies about the severity of Fukushima relative to Chernobyl, etc. There is a legal framework for accidents in the U.S., it's call tort liability):
More Caldicott Fearmongering
Just because....it's funny but she doesn't mind getting radiation exposure on her flights between Australia and the U.S....or from standing so close to the reporter...hmmmmm:
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The Regressives Build Their Alternate Reality
They label rational, intelligent people as "Progressives". Well, fair's fair...they are the Regressives.
Here they are lying about global warming.
Here they are lying about global warming.
Genetic Engineering To Fight Cancer
Here's a cool example of genetically modifying T-cells to fight acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Fairewinds Fearmongering
Maybe we should just call them Fearwinds. They (he) are trying to make the loss of power at Fukushima a potential threat of contamination to the Northern Hemisphere from a spent fuel pool fire. There isn't enough decay heat to cause a fire.
Here's a description of events associated with the power failure.
Here's a description of events associated with the power failure.
How Vaccine Scares Cast A Shadow Over Science
Just because a certain doctor lied about the associations between autism and a particular disease, doesn't mean all negative claims regarding vaccines are false (or true). Test the claim.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Pope Has A Chemistry Degree
But that doesn't mean he thinks scientifically.
It would be an oxymoron to be in charge of a death cult, and be a critical thinker.
It would be an oxymoron to be in charge of a death cult, and be a critical thinker.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Busby Attacks The ICRP
He's so full of feces, that's he's hilarious. Of course he's promoting the Yablokov "study" which is no longer published by the New York Academy of Sciences because it sucked (yet Busby says it was peer reviewed):
Kirk Sorensen Doesn't Understand Science
Of course he's trying to sell his thorium-based nuclear reactor so he is compelled to lie about health physics.
At 1:25:30 he says LNT is a theory not based on facts! HA! A scientific theory is the best explanation of phenomena that we have based on the facts. LNT is the theory of low dose radiation effects in regards to cancer. It's not a hypothesis, moron!
At 1:25:30 he says LNT is a theory not based on facts! HA! A scientific theory is the best explanation of phenomena that we have based on the facts. LNT is the theory of low dose radiation effects in regards to cancer. It's not a hypothesis, moron!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Here's anti-nuclear activist Karl Grossman masquerading as a Chief Investigative Reporter, covering the groups he supports at Caldicott's recent Fukushima conference.
Cell Mutations Increase With Age
This has long been considered to be the case, and this study strongly supports the notion.
Does IL Have A Nuclear Future?
Don't expect much growth in the near term, maybe if global warming gets bad enough.
He-La Cells Sequenced
The most popular research cell line (from a cervical tumour) has been sequenced...and it's a jumbled mess.
Primary Health Risks Outweigh Long Term Rad Risks
This is a fundamental principle of using radiation in medicine.
A new study shows that this holds true with testicular cancer and CT scans.
A new study shows that this holds true with testicular cancer and CT scans.
Friday, March 15, 2013
More HP Ignorance At Atomic Ideologies
The blog Atomic Ideologies Insights has a post on a recent, cherry-picked, study which seems (to an idiot) to refute LNT.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Does Radiometric Dating Prove The Earth Is Old?
Yes. But here's an IDiot that tries to convince who he can, otherwise:
Perhaps he suffers from multiple personality disorder.
Perhaps he suffers from multiple personality disorder.
UT Radiotherapy Mishap In Report To Congress
I guess Congress gets a report on these types of incidents, the article doesn't have much detail.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Women Are More Radiosensitive Than Men
This isn't new, but the anti-nuclear group Nuclear Information Resources has decided that it is.
Their contributor asks in the piece, why is this not news?
Because it's not.
Their contributor asks in the piece, why is this not news?
Because it's not.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Reminder: Today's Entertainment
Caldicott's Fukushima conference continues today starting at 9:00 EDT.
It was fun yesterday, because somehow Dr. David Brenner got invited to speak on radiation risks. He was a great embarrassment for the conference because he told the truth. That the risks are low. That's not what they wanted to hear!
It was fun yesterday, because somehow Dr. David Brenner got invited to speak on radiation risks. He was a great embarrassment for the conference because he told the truth. That the risks are low. That's not what they wanted to hear!
Fukushima Radiation Less Deadly Than Feared
An op-ed by Dr. Robert P. Gale and Eric Lax describing the WHO Health Risks report (see link, upper right hand side of this webpage).
Monday, March 11, 2013
Surprise! Forests Around Fukushima Are Contaminated
That's what one expects after some reactors meltdown. The story of the suicide is sad (though we don't really know that the accident was the primary motivator). The entire society failed at planning for a nuclear accident.
States Must Play Role In Hanford's Waste
Another op-ed. Somehow, I just don't think any states care about Hanford's waste with the exception of WA.
What Should The Tennessee Valley Learn From Fukushima?
A pro-renewable op-ed which exaggerates the health effects from Fukushima.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Reminder: Tomorrow's Entertainment
Live streaming of Helen Caldicott's Fukushima conference starting at 9 a.m. EDT.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
The HPS Doesn't Like HP Science
So if you read my last post, you read my email to the HPS Web Editor. He replied. I'm not going to post his full response, but I will post one sentence in full context:
"You will note that HPS declares only a limited endorsement of LNT."
"You will note that HPS declares only a limited endorsement of LNT."
The Health Physics Society Pays Tribute To A HP Denier
The HPS has published a document called, "Radiation And Risk: Expert Perspectives".
Fukushima Radiation Fears
Split families and cause stress.
This quote is why I stress to folks to follow the scientific consensus on any subject:
"Different people say different things, and that adds to my stress. I don't know whom to trust."
This quote is why I stress to folks to follow the scientific consensus on any subject:
"Different people say different things, and that adds to my stress. I don't know whom to trust."
Friday, March 8, 2013
Radiation Hormesis Is Poop 3
With Wade Allison. I've just started watching this, and the first fallacy comes in at about 2:00 where he compares deaths from nuclear reactor accidents to deaths from coal mining. The appropriate comparison is uranium mining deaths to coal mining deaths. I'll catch back up when I have a chance:
Radiation Hormesis Is Poop
The bullshitter founder of radiation hormesis was a guy named T.D. Luckey. In perpetuating his claim he compared radiation hormesis to homeopathy.
CTCA Plays With Statistics
That would be the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.
Hardly, shocking since they promote such quackery as "naturopathic medicine".
Hardly, shocking since they promote such quackery as "naturopathic medicine".
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Increase Kids' Skin Cancer Risks To Avoid A Drag On The Economy
That's the argument being made against proposed suntanning bed legislation in OR.
Payback Time!
Locusts invade Israel after plaguing Egypt!
And just before Passover (a celebration of the 10 plagues of the Old Testament)!
Good to know that certain locusts are kosher!
And just before Passover (a celebration of the 10 plagues of the Old Testament)!
Good to know that certain locusts are kosher!
Sometimes I Wish I Was An IDRS Member
That's the International Hormesis Dose-Response Society. Why? Because some of titles of their pseudo-scientific papers sound like they'd be fun to read. Like this one in their current publication:
""Alternative Medicine Techniques have Non-Linear Effects on Radiation Response and can Alter the Expression of Radiation Induced Bystander Effects "
""Alternative Medicine Techniques have Non-Linear Effects on Radiation Response and can Alter the Expression of Radiation Induced Bystander Effects "
Sounds Entertaining, But No Thanks!
Intelligent design science seminars. A gathering of IDiots.
Since I'm feeling very musical...Music please, Maestro:
Since I'm feeling very musical...Music please, Maestro:
"Creation Scientist" Is Dead
Duane T. Gish. Here's an old video of him debating Ian Plimer in a church, so the audience is pretty anti-science. Gish had made the point (not in the video) that evolution is "just a theory". That's the same ignorance one hears about LNT in health physics. Plimer tries to counter with the theory of electricity, but the audience doesn't buy it.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Higgs Hunt
Almost there....
They are sticking to Richard Feinman's first principle: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool".
They are sticking to Richard Feinman's first principle: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool".
Welcome Ben!
Ben is a commenter on YouTube and wrote:
"And we're in the thick! I truly appreciate a substantive discussion. This is where I believe the conversation should be. What is the rate, then, of mutation accumulation? LNT-logic would produce a far-greater number than a non-linear low-dose response, which (while incredibly noisy data) epidemiology of higher env. background level populations seems to support. (It's so noisy, though, that I'm not advocating abandoning LNT as a regulatory tool. But I want to know what the reality is.) More data!"
"And we're in the thick! I truly appreciate a substantive discussion. This is where I believe the conversation should be. What is the rate, then, of mutation accumulation? LNT-logic would produce a far-greater number than a non-linear low-dose response, which (while incredibly noisy data) epidemiology of higher env. background level populations seems to support. (It's so noisy, though, that I'm not advocating abandoning LNT as a regulatory tool. But I want to know what the reality is.) More data!"
New Most Whacko HP Denial Of The Month!
Ok, I know I just posted one yesterday, but this is hilarious. It's about a Russian couple who are "pulled" to ionizing radiation and use it as food!
Japanese Reporters Visit Fukushima
And write about it. The first 5 minutes of this video include one of the reporters (unfortunately the uploader edited the video with comments):
Experience Can Mean Survival
This study shows that getting treated for certain cancers at hospitals with more treatment experience increases one's survival chances.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Shocking! - Conca Won't Answer Question
I had a post yesterday about an HP denial blog on Forbes by James Conca. He was basically demeaning the scientific theory of LNT.
In the comments I asked:
In the comments I asked:
Most Whacko HP Denial Comment Of The Month
Maybe of all time....no, I've heard some strange stuff.
I'm referring to a comment in the blog I mentioned in my previous post.
I'm referring to a comment in the blog I mentioned in my previous post.
In Which Atomic Ideologies & The Weather Channel Get HP Wrong
We've seen Rod Adams' blog Atomic Ideologies Insights get health physics wrong before (just search my blog). Today he has a post which includes a video from The Weather Channel:
The NYT Covers The WHO Fukushima Health Risks Report
Here. You can read the report by following the link on the right hand side of this webpage.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Till Spanks Alvarez
I mentioned that Alvarez's recent SRS report was probably flawed.
I wouldn't even waste my time reading it.
But John Till has.
If you are interested in radiological risk assessment then I highly recommend this book by Till et al.
I wouldn't even waste my time reading it.
But John Till has.
If you are interested in radiological risk assessment then I highly recommend this book by Till et al.
More Must Be Done To Ease Fukushima Radiation Concerns
According to this Japanese newspaper's editorial, which does a good job explaining the recent WHO health risks report (see right hand side of this webpage).
Sunday, March 3, 2013
In Case You Missed It....
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Interspecies Internet
Here's a novel idea by one of my favorite musicians, Peter Gabriel. I tried to find the video of him and the bonobo he played with, but I couldn't find it. I did find this video which includes some clips of the bonobo playing:
Friday, March 1, 2013
They Aren't Skeptics, They're Deniers
And though this latest research should convince them of anthropogenic global warming, most will remain in denial. There hasn't been a "natural" cause of global warming identified, the only cause which fits is human generated CO2.
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