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Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Australia - You Have Another Problem
Not just exporting Ken Ham to the U.S. making him our problem.
Or Helen Caldicott.
Now it's an anti-vaccine "church".
Or Helen Caldicott.
Now it's an anti-vaccine "church".
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
NCI & Denialism
Amazingly, it looks like the National Cancer Institute has been in the state of denial over the abortion and breast cancer link.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Doing More With Less
Medical radiation doses dropping. I have an issue with this statement about the risks:
"To be on the safe side of this debate, we assume that there is some small increase in cancer risk from even low doses of radiation and so try to keep the dose levels as low as reasonably possible, while at the same time making sure that the image quality is sufficient to provide an accurate diagnosis."
No, this is not about being on the "safe side" of the debate. It's about being on the evidence-based side of the debate. We know radiation can ionize DNA, and that DNA damage is not always detected or repaired correctly regardless of the dose. So we conclude there is a certain risk which we estimate from many different avenues.
"To be on the safe side of this debate, we assume that there is some small increase in cancer risk from even low doses of radiation and so try to keep the dose levels as low as reasonably possible, while at the same time making sure that the image quality is sufficient to provide an accurate diagnosis."
No, this is not about being on the "safe side" of the debate. It's about being on the evidence-based side of the debate. We know radiation can ionize DNA, and that DNA damage is not always detected or repaired correctly regardless of the dose. So we conclude there is a certain risk which we estimate from many different avenues.
Our Universe Might Be Special
Because it supports life. But is life special? We humans seem to think so. But how much time have we spent on other planets or outside of our universe?
Monday, May 27, 2013
Is Nature Unnatural?
I dislike the use of the words "natural" and "unnatural" here. If the Universe doesn't make sense to us, it is still natural (a part of nature, as our we). We can't make sense of it, like a dog can't understand why you sit at your computer.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Is Global Warming Cooler Than Expected?
Atmospheric global warming is cooler than expected. The difference being transferred into the oceans. That's not a good thing for the oceans. There are also other masking effects like Sun output variability and El Nino phenomena.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
NEI Nuclear Notes Blog Quotes Bernard Cohen
As a "long time radiation risk specialist" (See Snakes In A Nuclear Plant).
To understand Cohen's "specialty", search his name in this blog.
To understand Cohen's "specialty", search his name in this blog.
Hugo de Vries
Is that name familiar? Probably not. He's the guy who realized that mutations exist (he didn't know what caused or what was mutated). I have many health physics textbooks, but none of them mention him.
Religion Requires Effort?
No, it just makes stuff up. The effort comes in continuing to make stuff up in the face of reality.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The Bigots Are Upset
Because the Boy Scouts of America has decided to allow gay children to join.
Now, they need to allow gay Scout leaders. Stop the bigotry.
Now, they need to allow gay Scout leaders. Stop the bigotry.
Illustrating Why Areas With Excess Rad Background Levels Don't Show Increased Cancer
There are various places on Earth with high natural background radiation (HNBR). Health physics deniers will often ask smugly why there is no cancer rate difference between those places and places with low natural background radiation.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
What? No Radiation Hormesis?
It looks like the whacko Doctors For Disaster Preparedness has their anti-science annual meeting agenda on their website. I know where I won't be in July.
Harold Must Have Made Another Donation
That would be billionaire Harold Simmons who owns Waste Control Specialists and is a contributor to the Republican party in TX.
DNA Damage: The Dark Side Of Respiration
Cellular respiration leads to the accumulation of mutations.
It's always funny to hear certain health physics deniers claim that cells are constantly repairing themselves and that they can "handle" low doses of radiation.
Cells accumulate mutations in the absence of excess radiation. The excess radiation results in more mutations.
It's always funny to hear certain health physics deniers claim that cells are constantly repairing themselves and that they can "handle" low doses of radiation.
Cells accumulate mutations in the absence of excess radiation. The excess radiation results in more mutations.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Acupuncture Helps Sea Turtles?
No it doesn't, the conventional treatments are and they are accompanied with acupuncture.
Denialism Of Climate Change & Evolution
Hey, what about health physics? Ok, that denialism isn't as widespread, I'll give Eugenie a pass. But you'll notice that the tactics of all science deniers are very similar, though the motivations may differ. The video does have some editing problems:
Monday, May 20, 2013
Get That CT Scan Young Adults!
The risk of death from underlying morbidity is greater than the radiation risk associated with the scan.
Email To ANS President & Nuclear News Editor
Hi Michael and Betsy:
Of Doubt" is a book about the denial of the scientific consensus and
intentionally spreading misinformation. We've seen it with tobacco safety,
evolutionary biology, vaccines and global warming.
We had an email exchange several months ago about the ANS doing the same
with LNT.
And with my May, 2013 issue I see that nothing has changed at ANS!
In honoring Ted Rockwell, Betsy writes, "No one was more passionate about
nuclear and setting the record straight about its purported risks..."
On page 91, also honoring Rockwell, M.M. writes, "A leading critic of the
linear-no-threshold (LNT) hypothesis- the traditional regulatory default
On page 41, in covering the NASA "study" (it's really a gross estimate, not
a study), Dick Kowan writes, "...is consistent with recent findings that the
linear no threshold hypothesis model used to derive nuclear mortality factors
might not be valid..."
Ted Rockwell's opinion did nothing to set the record straight. Wake
up...LNT is still here. LNT is not "the traditional regulatory default
hypothesis". It is a scientific theory which is over 70 years old (older than
relativity or quantum mechanics). Regulatory bodies embrace it, because there
is no evidence to contradict i
That Rockwell established a pseudo-scientific organization, as well as
being a Professional Member of the Parapsychological Association (as in
clairvoyance and psychic healing), is not a good thing. Real scientists
overturn the consensus with evidence, not by stepping outside of science and
forming a website to spread propaganda.
There are no recent findings that LNT might not be valid. Notice how
nothing has changed in the real world as a result of the study being
The ANS's Nuclear News seems intent on providing an alternate universe- misinformation
bubble for its members directly against ANS's Code of Ethics.
This will certainly be my last year as a member, and if I can get a
prorated refund for this year, that would be appreciated.
(The book referenced above pinpoints the source of the misinformation
propaganda over the decades to the Marshall Institute. The past ANS
President is associated with that organization, and that's why he and Rockwell
assembled a misinformation campaign at last year's ANS meeting.)
American Nuclear Society - Merchants Of Doubt
"Merchants Of Doubt" refers to a book about some scientists who make a "living" by lying about science. The American Nuclear Society seems to do the same. In its May, 2013 issue it honors Ted Rockwell for "setting the record straight about its (radiation's) purported risks". You can search my blog and find that Ted Rockwell did no such thing.
On page 41, in an article about the NASA study, it says "...with recent findings that the linear no threshold hypothesis model used to derive nuclear mortality factors might not be valid...".
NO, there are no such findings.
On page 41, in an article about the NASA study, it says "...with recent findings that the linear no threshold hypothesis model used to derive nuclear mortality factors might not be valid...".
NO, there are no such findings.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
James Conca Denies Reality (Again) In The Science Journal Forbes
This time over the EPA draft PAG's. These were actually discussed by another Forbes blogger. I left the comment in Conca's which says:
"Conca is a health physics denier. He’s in the same class as evolution and climate change deniers. He doesn’t understand that the EPA PAG’s are based on LNT. It’s not “mythology”, it is the scientific consensus which he denies. The UN did not “change its attitude” at all. In Fukushima, it was the general public who demanded that their government NOT set higher limits and increase the radiation risk to them. Conca doesn’t understand that what radworkers willingly get, is not the same as what somewhat wants to unwillingly get.
How’s the food in that alternate universe?
You know…where anti-health physics propaganda is disseminated in the leading scientific journal, Forbes.
"Conca is a health physics denier. He’s in the same class as evolution and climate change deniers. He doesn’t understand that the EPA PAG’s are based on LNT. It’s not “mythology”, it is the scientific consensus which he denies. The UN did not “change its attitude” at all. In Fukushima, it was the general public who demanded that their government NOT set higher limits and increase the radiation risk to them. Conca doesn’t understand that what radworkers willingly get, is not the same as what somewhat wants to unwillingly get.
How’s the food in that alternate universe?
You know…where anti-health physics propaganda is disseminated in the leading scientific journal, Forbes.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
Climate Change - Awaken
With Senator Sheldon Whitehouse arguing against the claim that God (which one?) will not allow global warming harm. I wouldn't quote pseudoscience to battle pseudoscience, but he did.
Music please, Maestro:
Spreading The Manure
A blog called Seeker Blog (who has convinced him or herself that what they are posting is the Truth) spreads Wade Allison's propaganda. Shameful.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wade Allison Ignores Reality Again
What all science deniers have in common is that they offer their opinions in all sorts of venues instead of doing science. Wade Allison, who denies health physics, carries on the tradition.
Key Cell Necrosis Protein Identified
Necrosis is an alternative cell death pathway to apoptosis. Cancer cells "figure out" how to avoid these pathways.
SC & GA Senators Voice MOX Support To White House
It's funny how Republicans claim to want smaller government and reduce spending....unless it benefits them.
Who In CO Had The Ra-226?
Someone disposed of a source. Did the person receive significant excess exposure?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Live From NY: It's The Dark Snow Project
A call to arms (or financing). Unfortunately, the video producer confused "theory" with "hypothesis".
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Democracy Now Doesn't Give Climate Deniers Time
Though the show normally fear mongers about nuclear power, they do much better with global warming:
Non-Actors Understand Cancer Genetics
They would be scientists who have discovered the genetic pathways of two types of leukemia.
Angelina Jolie Understands Cancer Genetics
That understanding led to a double mastectomy, which is a better alternative to what is more likely to result without the procedure.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Bad Vibrations At North Anna
Causing a plant shutdown.
I guess for the anti-nuke power folks, they are good vibrations.
Music please, Maestro:
I guess for the anti-nuke power folks, they are good vibrations.
Music please, Maestro:
Saturday, May 11, 2013
St. Louis Is Burning
A bit of Rolling Stone journalism which tells both sides of the story of the West Lake landfill which contains some old radioactive waste. But there is such a thing as data and facts and the journalist could have done the work to figure out which side of the story is accurate. He chose not to.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Eat Your Veggies - It Helps With Global Warming
As well as improving your health and will save you money. And the animals will appreciate it.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
No Need To Be Solarphobic
I don't know of anyone who is, but recent research shows the sun's radiation causes cells to release nitric oxide which lowers blood pressure.
Wade Allison Whines
He has a new "article" on his webpage called "The World Economy And The Application Of Science".
Maybe he should play football (or soccer):
Allison writes:
"Modern scientific experiments establish beyond doubt that moderate doses of radiation do no harm."
That is totally incorrect.
Maybe he should play football (or soccer):
Allison writes:
"Modern scientific experiments establish beyond doubt that moderate doses of radiation do no harm."
That is totally incorrect.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Rebuttals To Global Warming Deniers
The first column says "Skeptic Argument", but anyone truly skeptical would do objective research to understand his or her misunderstanding. A denier doesn't attempt to understand his or her misunderstanding and tries to convince others using propaganda. I think "Denier Argument" is a more appropriate heading.
Chris Busby Does Wingnut Radio
How appropriate:
As long as he claims he's "done some studies", people find him to be an authority figure. Of course his "studies" are only meant to further his anti-nuclear agenda. And of course, they do to the extent people fall for his schtick.
As long as he claims he's "done some studies", people find him to be an authority figure. Of course his "studies" are only meant to further his anti-nuclear agenda. And of course, they do to the extent people fall for his schtick.
New Technique To Track Cellular Interactions In Living Bodies
Of mice, but this can lead to further understanding of biology.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Dr. David Brenner Explains Low Dose Radiation Health Effects
This is from Helen Caldicott's March Fukushima symposium. The Q&A which followed (not in video) was hilarious because Brenner's facts disrupted Caldicott's fear-mongering agenda:
Monday, May 6, 2013
Airport Body Scanners Pass Test
Which showed they meet the manufacturer's claims, but TSA is getting rid of them due to privacy concerns.
Is Nuclear Fusion Power Now Possible?
No, it's still 20 years away (like it was 20 years ago). Actually, it's always been possible, just not economically feasible.
Canada's Bruce Plant Proposed Waste Site
Is near Lake Huron and that is raising concerns (it would wherever it was proposed).
Sunday, May 5, 2013
The Mystery Of Radioactive Rain In Brazil?
It's no mystery. It's called atmospheric washout. But that doesn't stop Dr. Chris Busby from solving what is already well known:
Of course, he could simply place a sample on a spectrometer and see exactly what's in it, but that wouldn't allow him to express his "expertise". And as far as rainwater causing diarrhea and flu-like symptoms...why isn't anyone complaining of such during rain showers?
Completely bogus, Chief Inspector.
Of course, he could simply place a sample on a spectrometer and see exactly what's in it, but that wouldn't allow him to express his "expertise". And as far as rainwater causing diarrhea and flu-like symptoms...why isn't anyone complaining of such during rain showers?
Completely bogus, Chief Inspector.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
ALARA Has Nothing To Do With Safety?
ALARA is an acronym for As Low As Reasonably Achievable. It's associated with minimizing one's risk of getting cancer from radiation. What could be more reasonable than doing that?
Yet, according to Wade Allison author of Radiation and Reason, ALARA has "nothing to do with safety" (click on his May 4, 2013 link, see page 3).
If someone reduces their risk of radiation by vastly increasing their risk of some other malady, then that isn't being reasonable. Just because some people are unreasonable, doesn't mean we shouldn't follow ALARA.
That isn't reasonable, Wade.
Yet, according to Wade Allison author of Radiation and Reason, ALARA has "nothing to do with safety" (click on his May 4, 2013 link, see page 3).
If someone reduces their risk of radiation by vastly increasing their risk of some other malady, then that isn't being reasonable. Just because some people are unreasonable, doesn't mean we shouldn't follow ALARA.
That isn't reasonable, Wade.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
"Radiation Superstition" P2
At another pro-nuclear blog, whose comments are highly moderated. So why comment?
It's just a flash from the past.
That's how anti-science propaganda works. Lather, rinse, repeat.
It's just a flash from the past.
That's how anti-science propaganda works. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Cancers Share Gene Patterns
In other words, it's more about the mutations than the tissue the cancers originate from. All tissue starts out with the same DNA, it is the modulation of DNA expression which results in different tissue types.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
No Bridge Needed
Here's a recent upload by the Heritage Foundation discussing how to bridge the religious and secular divide.
Of course, there's no bridge needed. Religions are not history, they're not science, they're not math.
They are fictitious. Why do we need a bridge between reality and the imagined?
We don't.
Physicist Sean Carroll elaborates:
Of course, there's no bridge needed. Religions are not history, they're not science, they're not math.
They are fictitious. Why do we need a bridge between reality and the imagined?
We don't.
Physicist Sean Carroll elaborates:
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