Here's a Forbes blog which points out that I-131 can be a radiation source at waste treatment plants.
His information comes from a study in the latest Health Physics Journal (I haven't received that issue yet).
The blog states that:
"The measured I-131 peaked at the euiqvlent (sic) of 3.68 millisieverts per year, which is slightly higher than the estimated dose Americans receive from background radiation."
The annual dose (an estimate, the activity concentration is measured) is pretty high for a member of the general public (I doubt those water treatment plant workers have the training and dosimeters to be considered occupational workers).
Welcome to the RIB Joint. A blog discussing science issues with an emphasis on health physics and agnotology. We'll try to keep 'em honest. So dig in!
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Sunday, June 30, 2013
CME Headed Our Way
See my link to Space Weather (right hand side of this webpage) and you'll find video of a coronal mass ejection expected to hit our magnetic field today or early tomorrow.
Mr. Tritium
This is a follow-up to this post with Ian Fairlie.
Dr. Fairlie refers to himself as Mr. Tritium.
He seems to have a fixation for it for some reason.
Here's an NRC fact sheet on tritium.
It's primarily produced by neutron absorption by B-10:
B-10 + n --> 2 He-4 + H-3
Though, more typically Li-7 + He-4 are the products of the neutron absorption.
Dr. Fairlie refers to himself as Mr. Tritium.
He seems to have a fixation for it for some reason.
Here's an NRC fact sheet on tritium.
It's primarily produced by neutron absorption by B-10:
B-10 + n --> 2 He-4 + H-3
Though, more typically Li-7 + He-4 are the products of the neutron absorption.
Another Pandora's Promise Review
It's a pretty good review, though his link to the "National Institute of Sciences warning" is atrocious. It's the National Academy of Sciences and his link doesn't take you there.
He correctly points out a bad argument made by many pro-nukes:
"If it makes sense to reduce exposures to lead, mercury and pesticides in the environment, why should radioactivity enjoy the special status of a "protected pollutant"? "
He correctly points out a bad argument made by many pro-nukes:
"If it makes sense to reduce exposures to lead, mercury and pesticides in the environment, why should radioactivity enjoy the special status of a "protected pollutant"? "
Testing A-Bomb Survivors In The U.S.
This is a short piece from a local Los Angeles television station on testing those Japanese who survived the a-bomb, and eventually relocated to the U.S.
It doesn't really do justice to what is the largest and most expensive epidemiological project ever.
They don't even mention its name, the Radiation Effects Research Foundation.
Not only do they study the a-bomb survivors, they also study their offspring, so RERF could continue for many more decades.
It doesn't really do justice to what is the largest and most expensive epidemiological project ever.
They don't even mention its name, the Radiation Effects Research Foundation.
Not only do they study the a-bomb survivors, they also study their offspring, so RERF could continue for many more decades.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Who Was Karl Z. Morgan?
One of the founders (usually called The Founder) of health physics.
He also founded and was first president of the Health Physics Society.
He eventually became angry at many health physicists who had become too dependent on the nuclear industry.
He also founded and was first president of the Health Physics Society.
He eventually became angry at many health physicists who had become too dependent on the nuclear industry.
In Case Last Post Wasn't Enough Stupid....
This Should Be Enough Stupid For One Weekend
It's Ed Calabrese propaganda (ie,radiation hormesis) in the scientific journal, YouTube.
If you're not familiar with Calabrese, search his name on this blog. See pages (upper right of this page) "Hormesis - Ideological Toxicology" and "Comparing The Creationist & Hormesis Cults".
Let's dig in....
If you're not familiar with Calabrese, search his name on this blog. See pages (upper right of this page) "Hormesis - Ideological Toxicology" and "Comparing The Creationist & Hormesis Cults".
Let's dig in....
Friday, June 28, 2013
Preacher Accepts Reality
By giving up "faith" (ie, nonsense).
Others on morning news show don't accept the 21st century.
Others on morning news show don't accept the 21st century.
Expert On Scientific Evidence?
That's how S. Fred Singer is introduced (at about 1:00) at the cult International Conference On Climate Change (sounds official, right?).
Mapping I-131 Deposition
A new data analysis methodology developed by the U.S. NNSA & the Japanese AEA.
This looks at early stage post-Fukushima data to map the spatial distribution of I-131. The mapping results are published in the latest Health Physics Journal.
This looks at early stage post-Fukushima data to map the spatial distribution of I-131. The mapping results are published in the latest Health Physics Journal.
Occupational Exposures Make News
Doses of 5 mrem.
Workers routinely get doses of that order of magnitude everyday, though this exposure was unintentional.
Workers routinely get doses of that order of magnitude everyday, though this exposure was unintentional.
MIssing Nuclear Material Poses Attack Risk
Of course it does. The nuclear weapons grade material is more worrisome than dirty bomb material.
There is a dirty bomb paradox...the more one spreads the radioactivity, the smaller the dose rate it delivers, though it can affect many people. The less one spreads the radioactivity, the fewer people affected, though they get higher doses.
There is a dirty bomb paradox...the more one spreads the radioactivity, the smaller the dose rate it delivers, though it can affect many people. The less one spreads the radioactivity, the fewer people affected, though they get higher doses.
Quarrels Over HLW
Continue....but the NYT is confusing low level waste for which there are several disposal sites (see photo of canisters for drums (not high level waste which includes commercial spent fuel) at the WCS low level disposal site) with spent nuclear fuel for which there is no disposal site. A typical dry storage cask.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Star Trek-like Radiation Shield
Is being studied to protect astronauts from solar and cosmic radiation.
U.N. Downplays Health Effects Of Nuclear Radiation
Not really, the article should be titled:
"George Gao Downplays Professional Responsibility Of Objective Journalism".
See what the experts say, and then find anyone with a different conclusion regardless of the quality of their work, and then play one against the other.
"George Gao Downplays Professional Responsibility Of Objective Journalism".
See what the experts say, and then find anyone with a different conclusion regardless of the quality of their work, and then play one against the other.
Cancers Evolve
That's what I've been saying (see "Radiation, Evolution, Cancer & Aging" to the upper right of this webpage).
Health Physics Problem Of The Day
Here's an op-ed by a couple of anti-nuclear activists who claim the toxic waste from nuke plants is too dangerous.
I'm going to ignore what's "dangerous" or not, that's a relative term and has to be compared to other things.
How about this sentence?:
"Plutonium-239, for example, if inhaled in quantities as small as a millionth of an ounce, will cause cancer with a virtual 100 percent statistical certainty."
True or false?
Let's dig in.........
I'm going to ignore what's "dangerous" or not, that's a relative term and has to be compared to other things.
How about this sentence?:
"Plutonium-239, for example, if inhaled in quantities as small as a millionth of an ounce, will cause cancer with a virtual 100 percent statistical certainty."
True or false?
Let's dig in.........
AAPM Report On Airport Scanners
""Long-term stochastic effects such as cancer risk are assumed to be directly proportional to received dose with no safe threshold. The cancer risk cannot be estimated with any precision, but is likely to be so low as to be indistinguishable from other background risks. The risk to the individual is thought to be close to zero
for a scanned individual, but “at the population level the possible effect cannot be ignored in the
assessment of acceptability of the introduction of the security scanners using x-rays for passenger
screening.” (AAPM quoting their reference 22)
For perspective, we think it important that this potential increase in risk to the population be considered in light of the presumed increase in risk originating from the much greater radiation exposure from the flight itself."
From Report 217.
for a scanned individual, but “at the population level the possible effect cannot be ignored in the
assessment of acceptability of the introduction of the security scanners using x-rays for passenger
screening.” (AAPM quoting their reference 22)
For perspective, we think it important that this potential increase in risk to the population be considered in light of the presumed increase in risk originating from the much greater radiation exposure from the flight itself."
From Report 217.
Perma-Fix North Reports Contamination
To state regulators. Seems minor (lack of real data in article) but it still gives watchdogs (or chihuahuas?) something to bite at the ankles about.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
It's Been A Gay Day!
DOMA overturned and those wanting to fight a California's court ruling that Prop 8 (outlawing gay marriage) was unconstitutional didn't have standing.
Republicans likely to try to pray away the gay, which didn't work when they wanted gay people to pray away their gay.
Republicans likely to try to pray away the gay, which didn't work when they wanted gay people to pray away their gay.
Wendy Davis - Hero
A TX state senator who filibustered against attacks on women's health issues.
TX's behavior isn't so praiseworthy.
It's okay for the state to kill an adult woman, but not okay for an adult woman (sometimes a teen) to kill a fetus. Makes sense.
TX's behavior isn't so praiseworthy.
It's okay for the state to kill an adult woman, but not okay for an adult woman (sometimes a teen) to kill a fetus. Makes sense.
Heartland Institute's Pseudo-Climate Change Conference - Pat Michaels
I can't embed the video, it's here.
Think of a cult which ridicules the larger society, heaps praises on its preachers, and refuses to engage in objective debate with the larger society.
Think of a cult which ridicules the larger society, heaps praises on its preachers, and refuses to engage in objective debate with the larger society.
Abandoning MOX Plant?
I'm conflicted on this one.
MOX (Mixed OXide) is the process where plutonium from nuclear weapons is mixed with uranium to make fuel for largely carbon free nuclear reactors. So with this process we could be reducing two grave human ills, weapons and CO2.
On the other hand, the plant has an expensive and troubled history and the U.S. is highly in debt.
The issue is anti-kids too - that seems to be the theme today - we leave them with either debt, nuclear weapons, or heat.
MOX (Mixed OXide) is the process where plutonium from nuclear weapons is mixed with uranium to make fuel for largely carbon free nuclear reactors. So with this process we could be reducing two grave human ills, weapons and CO2.
On the other hand, the plant has an expensive and troubled history and the U.S. is highly in debt.
The issue is anti-kids too - that seems to be the theme today - we leave them with either debt, nuclear weapons, or heat.
The Heritage Foundation - Against Kids Too
They're against Common Core State Standards. In other words, they're against education standards, because with lack of standards you get kids who can be taught without any standards.
And dumb kids will grow up into dumb adults and they may join the Heritage Foundation.
And dumb kids will grow up into dumb adults and they may join the Heritage Foundation.
Ahhhh, That's So Nice!
Schadenfreude - pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others (see video at bottom of link).
Nothing like attracting kids with dinosaurs in order to lie to them. That's anti-kids.
Nothing like attracting kids with dinosaurs in order to lie to them. That's anti-kids.
"...evolution was not proven...."
No scientific theory is's just the best explanation which has gained scientific consensus based on a large number of tested hypotheses. This is anti-kids.
No scientific theory is's just the best explanation which has gained scientific consensus based on a large number of tested hypotheses. This is anti-kids.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
"Should We Be Concerned About Low Levels Of Radiation?"
This talk by Ian Fairlee appears to have been given last year in the U.K. in front of an environmental group.
Fairlee tends to engage in very nuanced fear mongering, though he is technically correct on many issues.
Fairlee tends to engage in very nuanced fear mongering, though he is technically correct on many issues.
Chernobyl Fear-Mongering
"Imagine going to bed at night knowing something like this could happen," said Chad Oliver, director of the Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry at Yale University, who has studied the region since 2005.
From here.
I don't have to imagine. I'll be going to bed at night knowing something like this could happen.
From here.
I don't have to imagine. I'll be going to bed at night knowing something like this could happen.
Monday, June 24, 2013
HLW & TRU Wastes
James Conca has a blog explaining the difference between the two categories (there are others) of radioactive waste. The point he seems to be making is that if we classify the 57 million gallons of Hanford waste as TRU rather than HLW, it will be $200 billion cheaper to physically and chemically treat.
Noam Chomsky On Fukushima & Nuclear Power
He's been described as a linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, etc.
Here he's discussing Fukushima and nuclear power with someone who is involved in a campaign to evacuate children from Fukushima. Children around the globe are having to contend with hunger, poverty, lack of health care, etc. Fukushima should be way down on a priority list. I'm not sure why Chomsky did this interview, but at least he was rational. The person posing questions referred to nuclear power as "suicidal":
Here he's discussing Fukushima and nuclear power with someone who is involved in a campaign to evacuate children from Fukushima. Children around the globe are having to contend with hunger, poverty, lack of health care, etc. Fukushima should be way down on a priority list. I'm not sure why Chomsky did this interview, but at least he was rational. The person posing questions referred to nuclear power as "suicidal":
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sunday Morning Health Physics Smorgasbord
Courtesy of bionerd23, some good visual stuff and an explanation of photon activation:
President Obama To Address Climate Change
But you'll have to wait until Tuesday. Better late than never:
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Here is a nice collection of slides showing how much we know about radiation microdosimetry.
In particular, I like the third set (Nikjoo). Notice page 6 which contains a wealth of data on radiation interactions from the tissue down to the DNA molecule level.
Pages 20 & 21 show computer modeling of radiation interactions.
Page 38 shows the DNA damage from a single proton (SSB = single strand break, DSB = double strand break, BD = base damage).
Page 40 shows the level of detail we understand about one mechanism of DNA repair (often employed for DSB's) called non-homologous end joining.
In particular, I like the third set (Nikjoo). Notice page 6 which contains a wealth of data on radiation interactions from the tissue down to the DNA molecule level.
Pages 20 & 21 show computer modeling of radiation interactions.
Page 38 shows the DNA damage from a single proton (SSB = single strand break, DSB = double strand break, BD = base damage).
Page 40 shows the level of detail we understand about one mechanism of DNA repair (often employed for DSB's) called non-homologous end joining.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Thank Goodness!
Gay-therapy ministry (ie, complete bullshit) has shutdown.
At best pseudo-science doesn't hurt people, at its worst it hurts people.
At best pseudo-science doesn't hurt people, at its worst it hurts people.
Fukushima's Groundwater Is Contaminated
At different levels than earlier reported.
It sounds somewhat scary, but it's important to understand what the regulatory levels are based on.
It sounds somewhat scary, but it's important to understand what the regulatory levels are based on.
Rod Adams - Convenient Censoring
Rod Adams commented in the recent Conca blog which blamed Fukushima's evacuations on health physics.
Adams wrote his own blog criticizing me, but when I last commented there, he wouldn't post my comments.
That's convenient. That's how cults work. I could go back to Conca's blog, since he posted this there too. But it's like arguing with Creationists. Adams has essentially deified nuclear power and can't handle the science which contradicts his deification. Give him too many facts and he'll censor you, which is exactly what Creationists do:
So, I'll just address his nonsense here:
Adams wrote his own blog criticizing me, but when I last commented there, he wouldn't post my comments.
That's convenient. That's how cults work. I could go back to Conca's blog, since he posted this there too. But it's like arguing with Creationists. Adams has essentially deified nuclear power and can't handle the science which contradicts his deification. Give him too many facts and he'll censor you, which is exactly what Creationists do:
So, I'll just address his nonsense here:
New Target For Science Deniers
Thirdhand cigarette smoke (the residues of primary and secondhand smoke) is mutagenic.
Expect the Marshall Institute to ramp up its propaganda machine.
Expect the Marshall Institute to ramp up its propaganda machine.
Why Scientific Theories Are Easy Prey For Science Denialism
I think it goes to understanding the difference between a scientific hypothesis and a scientific theory.
Diverging Views On Weather "Whiplash"
Honest scientific debate instead of climate denial propaganda:
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Climate Denialism By "Principal Research Scientist"
You'd think he'd publish in a scholarly, peer-reviewed climatology journal, right?
Nope. The Financial Post.
That's junk science. If you have evidence to share with the experts, publish in the peer-reviewed literature you narcissistic, unethical, intellectual coward.
And of course he has a webpage to spread propaganda.
(More on cloud feedback.)
Nope. The Financial Post.
That's junk science. If you have evidence to share with the experts, publish in the peer-reviewed literature you narcissistic, unethical, intellectual coward.
And of course he has a webpage to spread propaganda.
(More on cloud feedback.)
The Irony Of Wade Allison
He has some slides that he put together as a result of his enthusiasm for increasing radiation protection limits.
He quotes Adam Smith:
“Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition"
The irony of his incorporating that quote is completely lost on Allison.
He wants to "ditch LNT" by posting slides on a webpage.
He needs an antidote.
He quotes Adam Smith:
“Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition"
The irony of his incorporating that quote is completely lost on Allison.
He wants to "ditch LNT" by posting slides on a webpage.
He needs an antidote.
How To Masquerade Propaganda As Science
Joseph Mangano has had a lot of practice, here's his latest on the Brown's Ferry nuclear plant in AL.
The purpose of epidemiology is to understand correlations and causation as objectively as possible, while not fooling oneself.
Mangano is an anti-nuclear activist and that report was commissioned by an anti-nuclear group. That's not pursuing objectivity, truth, accuracy, etc. That's not science, it's propaganda masquerading as science.
If you want Mangano to assemble some anti-nuclear propaganda for your area, you can pay him here. He will make it as scary as you want.
The purpose of epidemiology is to understand correlations and causation as objectively as possible, while not fooling oneself.
Mangano is an anti-nuclear activist and that report was commissioned by an anti-nuclear group. That's not pursuing objectivity, truth, accuracy, etc. That's not science, it's propaganda masquerading as science.
If you want Mangano to assemble some anti-nuclear propaganda for your area, you can pay him here. He will make it as scary as you want.
Uh Oh, Evolutionary Biology Challenged By Groundbreaking Discovery!
Only if you get your biology from the Christian News.
Apparently the author of the article didn't even read the study (see page 8):
"These data fit with previous results on gene-expression divergence between
human and chimpanzee (Marques-Bonet et al. 2004)."
If a study is consistent with results that are 9 years old, how is that ground breaking?
It's not.
Biologist P.Z. Myers has more.
Apparently the author of the article didn't even read the study (see page 8):
"These data fit with previous results on gene-expression divergence between
human and chimpanzee (Marques-Bonet et al. 2004)."
If a study is consistent with results that are 9 years old, how is that ground breaking?
It's not.
Biologist P.Z. Myers has more.
Pseudoscience Hurts Real People
Especially "alternative medicine".
There is no such thing as alternative medicine. If something is found to be medically efficacious it is medicine. If it is not medically efficacious it is not medicine. That's the value of the scientific method.
There is no such thing as alternative medicine. If something is found to be medically efficacious it is medicine. If it is not medically efficacious it is not medicine. That's the value of the scientific method.
Aspirin May Help Fight Cancer
It may reduce inflammation which produces oxidants which contribute to mutating DNA. DNA mutations lead to cancer.
Surprising Matter
A particle consisting of 4 quarks, though it may be a meson "molecule".
In the Standard Model of particle physics we only have 2 or 3 quark particles:
Mesons consist of 2 quarks and include pions and kaons.
Baryons consist of 3 quarks and include neutrons and protons
In the Standard Model of particle physics we only have 2 or 3 quark particles:
Mesons consist of 2 quarks and include pions and kaons.
Baryons consist of 3 quarks and include neutrons and protons
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Patricia's A Bad Health Physicist & Scientist
Well she claims she's a health physicist and scientist. She posted a comment on Conca's blog (the post I mentioned earlier):
James Conca Blames Health Physics For Fukushima Evac
From here:
"Popular misunderstanding and application of the Linear No-threshold dose hypothesis (LNT) to the general population was the biggest cause of any harmful effects."
"Popular misunderstanding and application of the Linear No-threshold dose hypothesis (LNT) to the general population was the biggest cause of any harmful effects."
Moron Realizes She Can't Live On Light
But she was upset about the negative reaction to her stupidity.
That's a common reaction with many people involved with pseudo-science. Instead of understanding why they are wrong, they get mad at people who criticize them. They usually develop a conspiracy fantasy about those with expertise who are trying to explain the science. And then they justify the conspiracy, the scientists are just saying that so they can get grant money, the doctors are just saying that so they can get money from the pharmaceutical companies, etc.
That's a common reaction with many people involved with pseudo-science. Instead of understanding why they are wrong, they get mad at people who criticize them. They usually develop a conspiracy fantasy about those with expertise who are trying to explain the science. And then they justify the conspiracy, the scientists are just saying that so they can get grant money, the doctors are just saying that so they can get money from the pharmaceutical companies, etc.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Global Warming Denial At Pro-Nuclear Blog
The Nuclear Energy Institute is pro-nuclear power. You'd think that people who write and read their blog would support climatology, especially when it tends to bode well for nuclear power (since more nuclear power could reduce greenhouse gas emissions).
Not the case.
Not the case.
Deflecting Pandora's Promise With Economics
Because nuclear power plants don't pose significant health risks (though the documentary understated some of them).
Crisis In Fukushima? Or Propaganda?
Here's a piece from Fairewinds Energy Propaganda Education pointing out that Japan hasn't received American expertise very well in assisting with Fukushima.
Let's dig in...
Let's dig in...
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Pandora's Box Wars
Friday, June 14, 2013
Leak In Hanford Tank Getting Worse
The leak is in the annulus, between the inner wall and outer wall of the tank.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
SWORD & Dark Lightning
SWORD is a Monte Carlo based software which can estimate doses to airline passengers from dark lightning (I prefer the term Terrestial Gamma Flashes).
Robert Stone Doesn't Understand Health Physics
Even though he directed the pro-nuclear power documentary, Pandora's Promise.
He said:
“The new science is that there is a threshold below which radiation seems to have no epidemiological effect at all,” says Stone. “So that’s why these numbers can be played with and they might seem alarming, but people forget the huge number of people that die of cancer anyway.”
He said:
“The new science is that there is a threshold below which radiation seems to have no epidemiological effect at all,” says Stone. “So that’s why these numbers can be played with and they might seem alarming, but people forget the huge number of people that die of cancer anyway.”
Congrats Kansas!
For adopting the Next Generation Science Standards.
You do seem to have a couple of twits you need to deal with.
You do seem to have a couple of twits you need to deal with.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
The Manufactured Health Physics Debate
Edward Calabrese (search his name on this blog if unfamiliar) at the laughable American Assoc. of Naturopathic Physicians discussing hormesis and its "relationship to homeopathy".
The Manufactured Biology Debate
IDiot (Intelligent Design propaganda spewer) Stephen C. Meyer is spreading doubt on biology.
The Cambrian explosion occurred over a period of 75,000,000 years, which is a lot of time.
We do have Precambrian metazoan fossils, he lied about that.
The Cambrian explosion occurred over a period of 75,000,000 years, which is a lot of time.
We do have Precambrian metazoan fossils, he lied about that.
Pandora's Promise Criticism
Pandora's Promise is a new pro-nuclear power documentary.
Here is one environmentalist's (two, really) criticism of it.
Here is one environmentalist's (two, really) criticism of it.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
RNA Interference Porn
Learn how RNA interference regulates gene expression with an animation and slideshow.
Monday, June 10, 2013
This Is An IDiot
Josh Youngkin (an attorney) who misleads and lies and wants to make LA children stupid:
Sunday, June 9, 2013
What Keeps A Nucleus Together?
In science, it's called the strong nuclear force thought to be mediated by gluons. However, according to pseudo-physicist Bryan Fischer it's something else. Jesus.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Neanderthal Cancer
Hardly surprising. We evolve because DNA is mutable. Cancer comes from mutable DNA.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Right Wing Media Need A Science Class
Not really, they don't want to promote the truth. They want to promote lies.
WCS Starts Taking Federal Radwaste
They've come a long's nice to be owned by a billionaire.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Put This Film On Your Schedule
A documentary about cancer. If you can't wait until 2015, then I highly recommend the book.
Our Cool Weather - Is Not Cool
A weakening jet stream due to Arctic warming leads to cooler weather south of the Arctic:
How A Mutation Leads To Cancer
One way is mutating EGFRviii in brain cells which controls a gene splicing factor which impacts cellular metabolism.
Ohio - You Have A Problem
A bill allowing public school credit for religious classes.
Don't engage in child neglect (some would say abuse).
Don't engage in child neglect (some would say abuse).
Monday, June 3, 2013
Michael Douglas Follows Angelina Jolie's Lead
She announced she had inherited a mutated gene which raised public awareness on cancer genetics.
Michael Douglas announced he had throat cancer which he claimed were caused by the HPV virus. One can't pinpoint the cause that clearly, but the virus is a risk factor.
Michael Douglas announced he had throat cancer which he claimed were caused by the HPV virus. One can't pinpoint the cause that clearly, but the virus is a risk factor.
It's Not Just A Don't-Buy For Father's Day
Keep your money. It's a naturally radioactive stone and some mud that is being sold under the pretense that it improves prostate health.
It doesn't. Don't buy it....ever.
It doesn't. Don't buy it....ever.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
James Conca Chimes In On RADICON
The Canadian childhood leukemia study which found no excess from nuclear power plants. Which if it did, it would be a blamed on chance or a confounder. So I commented on his blog.
Health physics-denier Jerry Cuttler also commented with this gem:
"We need further studies that are designed to provide evidence of decreased cancer rates due to up-regulation of protection systems by low radiation. Evidence of the benefit can be used to dismiss ongoing concerns."
Jerry, one has to have evidence before one makes a claim. There is no evidence of "up-regulation of protection systems". It's like believing in unicorns, and then claiming we need to find evidence of unicorns. No, find the evidence of unicorns to convince us they exist.
Health physics-denier Jerry Cuttler also commented with this gem:
"We need further studies that are designed to provide evidence of decreased cancer rates due to up-regulation of protection systems by low radiation. Evidence of the benefit can be used to dismiss ongoing concerns."
Jerry, one has to have evidence before one makes a claim. There is no evidence of "up-regulation of protection systems". It's like believing in unicorns, and then claiming we need to find evidence of unicorns. No, find the evidence of unicorns to convince us they exist.
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