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Friday, July 5, 2013

Hormesis Emerges In Our Collective Consciousness

That's called woo-speak:

Yet here is a video from someone claiming to be an MD that that is where hormesis emerges from.  After parroting Calabrese he tries to make a terrible analogy between hormesis and chemical activation energy.  He just ignores that with chemistry, the more reactants and catalyst one adds, the reaction continues.  With hormesis (so the story goes), the reaction (or positive effect) ceases.

In other words, he says the catalyst causes the chemical system to shift from a unary to binary system.  But for the cadmium exposed campanularia, he says the horizontal line is the unary system.  He then adds cadmium to get a result mimicking the chemical system catalyst.  But as he adds more cadmium (which was the catalyst), not only does the binary system revert to unary, it goes below the unary line.

He says hormesis means a "change of structure following pertubation".  T.D. Luckey defined it as the stimulation of any system by low doses of an agent.

But wouldn't these definitions also hold for high doses?  Are there not changes in structure within the body and stimulation of different systems when doses are high?

Of course!

But wait, he's pronouncing a biological law: when a living entity is perturbed, its organism will settle at the most optimal homeostasis.

I think he's really trying to say when a living organism is perturbed, it will settle at the most optimal homeostasis.  That law didn't hold to well for the dinosaurs, did it?

He then goes on to claim jellyfish have free will.

And finally, the icing on the cake:

Hormesis is the manifestation of the Wisdom of the Body.

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