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Friday, December 14, 2012

Wade Allison At It In Warsaw

Apparently he gave a talk to the World Nuclear Power Briefing called the "Road To Public Confidence In Nuclear Power" (see towards bottom of the webpage link).

I've written about him before here, simply search his name.

This is classic science-denialism, from his second slide:

"Appeals to experts should be minimised"

Yeah, we wouldn't want people with expertise in a technical subject to opine on the subject!

I'm reminded of the creationist dentist:

Allison appears to be an IDiot (advocate of Intelligent Design instead of the science of biology). From his slide 8 he says:

"A complete DNA copy kept in every cell
 Scheduled cell cycle to replace cells
 Scheduled birth-life-death cycle to replace individuals"

"BY DESIGN"!!!!!!!!!

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