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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

RealClearScience Asst. Editor, Doesn't Understand Science

Or at least the philosophy of the science.  Ross Pomerey tries to support the claim that strict atheism is unscientific.  His basic argument boils down to "you can't prove god doesn't exist!".

Of course, he fails to define "God".  The reader is free to imagine any god he/she wants to and assume Pomerey is addressing that version.  Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.

We can all imagine whatever we want exists, like unicorns, fairies, gods, etc.

Just because we can imagine it, is not a good reason to think they actually exist.

An existence claim of something not generally observed requires evidence, and an existence claim of something extraordinary, like gods, requires extraordinary evidence.

No such evidence exists, so there's no reason to believe in gods.

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