I like what the biology community has done with some evolution deniers. They refer to those promoting the pseudo-science of Intelligent Design as IDiots.
So I have come up with DeNiArs as the term for those who deny radiation damages DNA and that damaged DNA increases cancer risk.
DeNiArs are generally pro-nuclear idiots and some may even be IDiots.
The blog Atomic
"Rockwell challenged critics of nuclear power who claimed – wrongly – that exposure to tiny amounts of radiation would add up over time – they don’t – and increase the risk of getting cancer. Unfortunately, this cancer fallacy has been politicized to such an extent that some radiation protection standards were based on it."
In denying the sciences of molecular biology, radiation biology, health physics, etc. Rossin is violating the ANS's Code of Ethics which states, in part:
- We hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public and fellow workers, work to protect the environment, and strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of our professional duties.
Lying about the science of health physics to the detriment of the safety, health, and welfare of others is clearly a violation.
One of the objectives of the ANS is to promote the advancement of health physics (a science related to the atomic nucleus). From the Bylaws B2.1 (a):
The objectives of the Society are:
(a) to promote the advancement of science and engineering relating to the atomic
nucleus, and of allied sciences and arts;
Rossin is working against one of the objectives of the society he was President of.
And if Rod Adams is an ANS member, he is guilty as well.
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