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Monday, December 2, 2013

Hey, What About DeNiArs?

In this piece, Chris Mooney describes why evolution deniers and climate change deniers joined together.

Health physics deniers (DeNiArs) get no mention (HA, the group is too small).

Though one might not expect an overlap between climate change deniers and pro-nuclear power DeNiArs, I have come across it.  The libertarian theologians don't want any government regulation, so they deny any science which might result in more of it.


  1. Actually come across quite some folks who accept climatology and the need to do something, "something" being nuclear, and therefore (?) subscribing to the nonsense of a Wade Allison... even seemingly rational people can be good at compartmentalizing their rationality, it appears.

    ...and lately at Eli Rabett, folks rational about climatology happily embracing 9/11 controlled-demolition theories... sigh.

  2. I used to not have much interest in psychology, I saw it as a soft science compared to physics. But now I find it fascinating!

  3. That's a good point... one could argue that the whole machinery of doing science, with peer review, evidence pyramid etc. is to make the psychology transparent to the object of study, the physical world. To allow those silly humans to actually do valid science...
