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Saturday, December 21, 2013

More Doubt-Mongering On Second Hand Smoke

On Forbes website.

I commented there as 926, which after correcting some typos:

"The mechanisms that cause cancer in smokers are the same mechanisms which cause cancers in non-smokers.Since the doses are much lower, epidemiology can’t easily tease out a statistically significant increase in cancer in non-smokers due to other possible causes of lung cancer (like radon). It isn’t dogma to claim that passive smoking kills.

It is right-wing dogmatic ideology to deny the science that it does and print such propaganda on a business website to try and fool the general public.

Highly unethical, narcissistic and intellectually cowardly."

Not Only No, But Hell No!

Make a year-end gift to the science-denial cult of Cato.


Those funding science denial.

The Matriarch Of Modern Cancer Genetics

Dr. Janet D. Rowley, has died.

ALARA & Dental X-Rays

Tailor dental x-rays to individuals.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Doctor On Fukushima

At least he states he's not an expert. 

The radiation can cause you to vaporize (just prior to 12:00)???   HA!  Uses an atomic bomb photo to represent a meltdown (about a minute later)???  HA!

Japan's Efforts To Show Its Fish Are Safe

Here's an inside look.

Message In A Bottle

Reveals fact abut global warming.

Music please, Maestro:

Kudos Reddit

For banning climate change deniers.

Judge Dismisses Sailor Radiation Case

On jurisdictional grounds.

There's money to be made here, so they'll be back.

UK Cancer Mortality Rates Have Dropped 20%

Over past 20 years.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lawyer Of Fukushima-Contaminated U.S. Sailors Speaks

In the podcast within this link.

Other than the thyroid cancers, the case seems very weak (blaming every ill on radiation, is not good epidemiology).

Fukushima Evacuation Deaths Exceed Quake, Tsunami Deaths

In the immediate area.

Good Riddance Harold Camping

He's dead.

Hottest November In 134 Years

Last month.

Why Is This Surprising?

This study.

We've long known humans are carbon-based.

We've long known that some carbon is radioactive C-14.

We've long known that as ionizing radiation, C-14 beta radiation can ionize molecules including those associated with DNA leading to mutations.

There are many possible types of mutations, this study points out wobble-type mis-repairs (wrong bases match up, ie, rather than the normal A-T, A joins with C- or G-, and so on).

Bon Voyage!

To the San Onofre Rx vessel head destined for EnergySolutions in Utah.

Bad EPA Executive

From the Office of Air and Radiation, who swindled the EPA out of money.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cancer Snapshots

Learn about specific cancers quickly here.

Secondhand Smoke Denier

Someone associated with the right-wing propaganda outfit known as noReason Reason, but who has decided to spread his nonsense via Forbes.

Secondhand smoke contains carcinogens just like firsthand smoke does.

Toronto - You Have A Problem


Responding To Attacks On Science Education

A video by the National Center for Science Education.

Fusion Promotes Cancer

Not nuclear fusion, but cellular fusion where cancer cells can fuse with immune system cells called macrophages.


Or Radiation Protection of Patients associated with the IAEA has a number of good (but a couple of years old) videos on YouTube where they answer radiation related questions.  Here's one:

Ideologue Attacks Ideologues

It's also been referred to as wingnut-on-wingnut crime....James Conca (low doses of radiation pose no risk!) attacks the Physicians For Social Responsibility (low doses of radiation are extremely dangerous!).

The subject isn't radiation effects, rather economics.  But it's fascinating that Conca understands that the PSR and the Heartland Institute are lying ideologues.  Yet, he doesn't realize that he has promoted Ed Calabrese's propaganda in the past (Calabrese is with the Cato Institute).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Of Course She's Not Dead

She's imaginary!

Science Deniers Are More Celebrity Than Science

Here's a month or so old article which concludes what I have found independently.

Science deniers (the article refers to them as "contrarians", but they are in denial) become cause-celebre for similar ideologically-minded people.  Together with the media's irrational desire to provide "balance" for every issue, they get equal media coverage (would you give equal time to someone who claimed 2+2=76 as you would for someone who claimed 2+2=4?).

And this is why you see largely the same names over and over again on the denier side.

Though that last link was about climate change deniers, you can easily observe the same phenomena in DeNiAl (health physics denial).  The names of those who want to fear-monger include Caldicott, Sherman, Mangano, and perhaps a dozen or somore.  The names of those who want to doubt-monger include Calabrese, Pollycove, Allison, and perhaps a dozen or so more.

IPCC Faces Climate Of Uncertainty

The global warming deniers will likely bask in their sense of schadenfreude.

Japan Lacks Decommissioning Expertise

And so far hasn't shown much willingness to bring in outsiders to help with Fukushima.

Friday, December 13, 2013

TX - You Have A Problem

Creationists, who also happen to be  GOP Lt. Governor candidates.

Japan Should Embrace Nuclear Power

According to its government panel.

An IDiot Will Be In My State

In January.

What a disastrous way to start a new year.

Fukushima Contractor Gets Spanked

For improperly hiring workers at another plant.

Recent Global Radioactive Material Incidents

Are summarized here.

Nuclear Power Subsidies

I frequently hear from pro-nukes about the subsidies awarded to renewable energy sources, while they remain ignorant of subsidies awarded to nuclear energy sources.

Hanford Waste

Will be mostly vitrified.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Rhymes With Smokey Joe


TX Congressman Joe Barton and House Leader John Boehner don't like science.

They're Republicans.

Global Cancer Cases Up 11%

Likely to continue to grow as the population ages.

Nuclear Nation

A documentary about the residents of Futaba, which borders Fukushima:

How Nuclear Power Can Stop Global Warming

Well, probably not stop, but mitigate.

Epigenetics & DNA Sequencing

New sequencing technology provides greater understanding of epigenetic processes.

10 Early Warning Signs Of Cancer

Be aware.

Radiation Anxiety In Mexican Town

Associated with the recent car (and Co-60) theft.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fairewinds Would Like Your Money

That would be the dishonest Fairewinds Energy Education (aka the Gundersens), exploiting the image of a little girl getting a thyroid gland scan.

How about doing something constructive?

Time Is Dumb

The magazine that is, for picking Pope Francis as the Person of the Year.

For anyone who has risked their life in aid of others, I'm sorry for Time's low standards.

Calabrese Gets Honorary Doctorate

From the Atomic Ideology blog, I read that Cato Institute propagandist Ed Calabrese received an honorary doctorate degree, back in June.  Calabrese was shocked and that's understandable, since he hasn't really accomplished anything other than propaganda.

I wonder what role fellow DeNiAr Doug Boreham had in his award.  

(Note the background sign, "International Dose Response Society", which is Calabrese's cult organization)

Fukushima Soil Disposal

Is expensive at 100 billion yen.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mars Radiation Manageable

In case you ever wanted to visit....only expect about 1.01 Sv for a 500 day stay.


DNA can mold different types of bodies.  That is the secret to the success of life over billions of years. Some of the DNA in some bodies is more susceptible to uncontrolled growth (ie, cancer) than in other bodies.  It should come as no surprise that some bodies age differently (senescence) than other bodies as well, since body-types reflect different approaches that DNA has taken to sustain itself.

Friday, December 6, 2013

6 People May Have Radiation Sickness

From the Mexican truck theft, which I've posted about over the last couple of days.

At least this most recent link includes an activity estimate of 3,000 Ci.

That's smokin'!

Canada Beware!

Unlicensed hair removal devices can cause eye damage due to laser.

Will Co-60 Thieves Likely Die?

I don't know, but here's one person who thinks so.

The likelihood depends on the dose the thieves received, and I haven't seen any reliable estimates of what the doses were.

Stop Smoking - Even If You've Already Been Diagnosed With Cancer

It is worth the effort because you will lower your risk of death.

Kansas - Coping With COPE

You just can't make this stuff up!

COPE, or Citizens for Objective Public Education, is just the opposite of what their name suggests.

They are a creationist group that is suing the Kansas State Board of Education for teaching science!

Why Didn't We Think Of That?

U.S. NRC Chairwoman Allison MacFarlane gave an interview in which she stated that countries should have a nuclear waste disposal plan BEFORE starting their nuclear power reactors.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mexican Thieves Busted

And exposed to Co-60 (see previous post today on theft).

As Expected....

"Genetic factors" behind radiation-induced thyroid cancer.

No duh!  Cancer results from changes in DNA (ie, genes).

Some people are born with mutations that give them a "head start" in the progression of DNA changes required to acquire cancer.  Any radiation increases the risk of cancer, because it causes additional mutations in their DNA above those mutations some people are born with.

U of Penn Lawsuit

If the claims are proven, the University of Pennsylvania has some 'splaining to do!

And will likely be paying some $$$$$.

Hansen & Others Urge Swifter Action On Global Warming

Largely to deaf ears, unfortunately.

Truck With Co-60 Source Stolen

I don't know how strong the source was, but the truck was stolen in Mexico.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Water Decon Problems At Fukushima

Some HCl leakage in one of its Advanced Liquid Processing Systems, which I think was supplied by EnergySolutions.

Hey, What About DeNiArs?

In this piece, Chris Mooney describes why evolution deniers and climate change deniers joined together.

Health physics deniers (DeNiArs) get no mention (HA, the group is too small).

Though one might not expect an overlap between climate change deniers and pro-nuclear power DeNiArs, I have come across it.  The libertarian theologians don't want any government regulation, so they deny any science which might result in more of it.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Velscope

Uses blue light to ascertain oral problems during a visit to the dentist.

Is It Safe? Fukushima's Contamination Of Western U.S.

The article provides the answer, so why is the headline a question?

Speaking Of Scientific Ethics

This piece on genetically modified foods is timely.

Obligations Of Scientists

Here's an easy to read piece on scientific ethics.

Those people with science degrees who write op-eds, blogs, etc. to convince the general public that the scientific consensus is wrong are behaving unethically.

In regards to the science of health physics there are fear-mongers (take Dr. Helen Caldicott for example) and doubt-mongers (take Dr. Wade Allison for example).  Rather than overturning the scientific consensus with evidence, which is what honest, objective scientists do, they write books or have webpages to convince the general public to their point of view.  And they write books and/or accept donations.

Honest, objective scientists may also have blogs, webpages and/or write books, but they teach the general public what the scientific consensus is and why.

It is vital that you recognize the difference.

The Artist Formerly Known As 281 Antinuke

Is now known as 281, as he stickers up Japan.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Typhoons Spread Fukushima Contamination


A Minor Exorcism In Illinois

Pinch me....what year is it?

Texas Hereos

There was a "controversy" over evolutionary biology in Texas textbooks, which was won by the pro-science folks (applause!).  The National Center for Science Education has uploaded some of the final talks on their YouTube channel.

A Nation Of Science Deniers

It wasn't always this way, America (from last month):

Japan Considers Increased Spending On Fukushima H2O Treatment

By about an addition $100M.

What Does An ICRP Symposium Look Like?

The International Commission on Radiological Protection is concerned with advancing for the public's benefit, the science of radiological protection.  They recently held a symposium in the UAE.  Here's a link to some of the presentations.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

World Bank Won't Fund Nuclear Power

Too political.

No, I'd Rather Stick A Fork In My Eye

Than attend this science denial orgy.

Genome Instability & Mutation

Here's a nice overview in a blog by a molecular biologist, though the hyperlinks didn't seem to work.

IPCC Climate Change Video

Very well done.

U.S. CH4 Emissions May Be Higher Than Thought

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and a recent study revises previous emission estimates.

Unwarranted Fear Of Hanford's Leaking Tank

An op-ed by someone who was apparently there.

Though there has always been fear-mongering regarding Hanford, his bringing up a study from 1987 isn't very convincing.  Makes him seem out of touch.

Pseudo-epidemiologist Mangano Gets Press Coverage

Which is what he wants, of course.

He should study the Bradford-Hill criteria for causation, but then, he's not an epidemiologist.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Radiation Info

A host of radiation related topics is discussed here.

Fukushima Porn

Removal of spent fuel from #4 spent fuel pool.

All About Adam

The Economist has a piece on creationism.  There is no scientific debate.

Detecting Neutrinos In Ice

Extra-galactic neutrinos....brrrr.

Spent Fuel Is Pretty Safe

In the U.S., concludes the NRC, though some see things otherwise.

Anti-Nukes Commission Report From Anti-Nuke

And it's anti-nuke.  Shocking.

Fukushima - No Worries

For anyone in the U.S.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Improving U & Pu Detection In Waste Water

Using graphene oxide with an attached carbonyl group (C=O)  to attract and capture the U & Pu.

Drug To Reduce Radiation Induced Cancer

It's in the class of drugs called synthetic triterpenoids, and it seems to reduce cancer induction in mice exposed to radiation.  It's interesting that mice with fractionated doses had a higher risk of cancer, than those receiving the same dose at one time.  That is the opposite of what would be expected, but there is no elaboration on that issue.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Climate Change Warriors: It's Time To Go Nuclear

The easiest thing (if not for selfishness) would be to reduce consumption.  At their current ability to generate power, renewable power sources have a tough time beating nuclear.

Radiation Therapy Complication Can Be Treated Years Later

If it's soft tissue radiation injury.

DeNiAr At Forbes

James Conca has a history of being a health physics denier (DeNiAr).  He hadn't engaged in it much recently, but he's back at it. I won't address his main point which is the high compensation levels given to refugees.  There are many facets to that he doesn't touch on.

He also states, "No one in Japan or anywhere else will get cancer because of Fukushima".

He doesn't know that.  He can't know that.

That's propaganda.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Nice Bod1!

It is a protein which has been identified as being critical to cancer growth.

Radiation Health Effects

Here's a pretty good video, though it has its faults (like "mino" acid chains).  The audio is a bit ghoulish, just in time for Halloween:

Where's The Beef?

Some people didn't like the NRC's spent fuel environmental study, but they didn't provide any facts to substantiate their criticisms.  Unless the reporter failed to report them.

Shocking! Global Warming Denial In Forbes!

Not really if you've followed this blog at all.  Forbes provides an outlet for anyone to claim anything regardless of facts.  So here's another pile of bull.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fukushima Poses Serious Threat To U.S. & Canada?

Depends on how one defines serious threat.  By most traditional definitions, it does NOT.

Safer Nuclear Fuels

Because zirconium alloy cladding is just so old fashioned.

DeNiAr Joins Heartburn Institute

Jerry Cuttler is a health physics denier (or DeNiAr).  He has written a piece of crap of propaganda for the global warming denial cult called the Heartland Institute (they give me heartburn).

Antarctic Sea Ice Is Growing

Therefore global warming is a hoax.



But Forbes Wasn't Done

"Contributing" to global warming denial.  Larry Bell rounds out the 3 stooges (with Taylor & Michaels):

VA Republicans - Stupid On GW

The Republican party is anti-science, at least in VA.

Forbes "Contributors" Spewing GW Pseudo-Science

There's Patrick Michaels and James Taylor spreading propaganda to foment doubt about global warming.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pilots Are Occupational Radiation Workers

They get more radiation than the general public, as a result of their occupation.

Radioactive Waste: Where To Put It?

Geophysical considerations as well as political.

Atheists Can't Be Republicans

I don't know why they would want to be.

But they should be more politically active.

TX Creationist Circus

It's hard to believe that this nonsense takes place in 2013, but it does.  I'm referring to biology teaching standards in Texas.  Here's anti-biologist (creationist) Don McLeroy addressing the Board of Education.

Many other speakers (mostly pro-science) were captured on film and they can be seen at the National Center for Science Education's YouTube page.

Cancer Myths Debunked

A few, anyway.

De Facto Mini HLW Sites

Are what commercial reactor sites have become, with Illinois winning.

Fukushima Anti-Radiation Underwear

Is a rip-off.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Helen Caldicott Still Selling Nonsense

This is from about a month ago.  I only listened to the first few minutes where Caldicott fear-mongers about Fukushima's #4 spent fuel pool catching fire if it were to collapse.  That simply isn't true.  After 6 months of decay that becomes impossible.  But Caldicott keeps repeating this lies, unaware of radioactive decay. 

Or is she aware?:

Hanford Tank Progress

Is slow, but coming along.

Radiation Can Pose Bigger Cancer Risk For Children

Depending on the cancer type and other circumstances.

The full report is here.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fear vs. Radiation

The mismatch.  The author fails to acknowledge that there are certain people who stoke fear intentionally for their own gain.

Stating The Obvious

Short term gratification is an obstacle to battling climate change.

127 Repeatedly Mutated Genes

Drive many of our cancers.

Reality Check

Here's a free preview of the book about science deniers and how they threaten our future.

Life On Earth Is Not A Fluke

Of course not.  Molecules respond to forces, primarily the electromagnetic force.

Wasteful TRU Waste Facility

What's a few millions of dollars?

Rain Responsible For Fukushima Rad Spikes

It washes contaminated dirt around.

Music please, Maestro:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Don't Not Have Sex!

Is It Possible To Believe In God & Science?

Obviously the answer is "yes", since there are many people who do.

But when their reasons for believing in god, are usually poor reasons.

The "beauty of the scientific laws" is not a good reason to believe in Christianity (a Jewish zombie deity).

And The Winner Is.....

Indian Point, for the most NRC violations. Or should I have said "Loser"?


Or "gross beta activity" of Fukushima H2O is above limits.

Why Stop With GW Denial?

Another right wing, Forbes "contributor" is pushing BPA denial.  She's trying to downplay the relative risk (RR) of 1.83.  That is a high RR.  It means the risk is almost twice (83% higher) than what one would expect!

More GW Denial

Because if one continues to lie over and over again, some people may start to accept the lies as the truth.

That is Larry Bell's strategy at Forbes.

Monday, October 21, 2013

American Nuclear Society & Big Tobacco

Like to lie to kids.


This Partly Explains The Continuing Rise Of Science Denial

The lack of good science journalists.

Solar Cells To Get Much Cheaper

Thanks to new technology.

Epigenetics Linked To Cancer

Cancer risk isn't just associated with DNA mutations.

Nope - Coyne Was Right

Here are a couple of Christian apologists who criticize biologist Jerry Coyne for pointing out that science and religion are not compatable.  Their arguments are sloppy because they are religidiots.  Let's take this:

Japan Delaying Cleanup Of Towns

Around Fukushima.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

L.A. Times Gets It Right On Climate Change Deniers

They won't publish their factually inaccurate letters.

Applause, applause....Music please, Maestro:

Speaking Of Thyroid Cancer

It's on the rise.

IAEA To Monitor Fukushima Seawater

Working with Japan.

ANS - Still Lying To Kids

Over a month ago, I tried to contact the American Nuclear Society over the errors in this webpage:

A month ago today, I received a commitment from them that it would be corrected.

Yet a month has gone by with no edits.  We're only talking about a few paragraphs!

(I've sent the Officers a friendly reminder.)

The War On Thinking

Apparently a new propaganda tool  documentary distributed by IDiots (Intelligent Design proponents who don't like the science of biology), called the The War On Humans:

Music please, Maestro (yeah, I've played this one a bunch):

Two New Thyroid Cancer Weapons

Thyroid cancers are a concern following a nuclear reactor accident due to the emission of radioactive iodine, which concentrates in the thyroid.  Now there may be two new treatments for those who get thyroid cancer whether from a nuclear accident or not.

Nuclear Power & Energy Markets

A good overview.

Do Microwaves Cause Cancer?

Um, no.

Fukushima - The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Spiking seawater contamination levels.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pat, You're Lying

Telling his "stories" about various body parts regenerating.   I'm reminded of this website, which makes the point that god never seems to perform real miracles. 

Doctors Behaving Badly

Study shows that a single radiation therapy treatment for bone pain is just as effective as multiple smaller treatments.  Why do multiple smaller treatments?  Revenue.

More GW Denial

From Larry Bell at Forbes.

I Didn't Realize This Was Contentious

Sunscreens protect against skin cancer.

It's A Bird...It's A Plane...It's....

A radiation detector.

Science Wonk Falls For Pseudo-Science

Someone named Dr. Y with the Federation of American Scientists has fallen for the propaganda of Ed Calabrese.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Now That's ALARA!

Any professional dealing with radiation and radioactive materials is focused on keeping radiation exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable. The folks at John Hopkins Children Center have hit grand slam!

BSU Dealing With IDiots

I'm sure they prefer not to.

Why Homeopathy Is Brain Dead Crazy

And it was the basis for radiation hormesis which is also brain dead crazy.

Radiation, Science & Stupidity

Wade Allison is back at it (see Oct 3 entry).

"It's Like A Laurel And Hardy Movie..."

Except its a nuclear site.

The U.S. Govt Shutdown Has REAL Implications

I'm not just talking about its effect on the economy, I'm talking about people's lives.

Another Fukushima Tank Leak

With so many over so much time, expect more leaks.

Radioactivity Is Fracking's Legacy

At least part of it, as radium is brought to the surface.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The NOT IPCC Report

Or the pseudo-scientific, Heartburn Institute's propaganda NIPCC report is discussed.

Climate Data Slide Show

From the latest IPCC report is within this link.

And Now For Something Completely Different

Relative to the last two posts. It's called science, and this aspect deals with understanding cancer.

Jeebsus, KS!

Stupid is everywhere!

Jeebsus, TX!

Creationists on panel to review biology textbooks. Maybe they should have some alchemists review chemistry textbooks.

I Would Have Gotten That One Wrong

In the event of a nuclear power plant accident, I had thought that the Price-Anderson Act provided funds for environmental cleanup. It looks like I would have gotten that wrong. Though it's really tough to say because the need to cleanup would become political.

Anti-Nuke Group Behaving Stupidily

Aren't there more important things to protest about?

Friday, September 27, 2013

Pseudo-scientific Propaganda Outfit Isn't Happy

Because science marches on.

I'll Bet Victor Stenger Didn't Watch It

He's a physicist and author of the op-ed, "The Rising AntiScience" that I posted on earlier today. The "It" is "Unstoppable".

No Thanks, I'm Busy

And too intelligent for that designed propaganda!

The Rising AntiScience

Hey, what about health physics?

The Insurance Industry Gets GW

Because it has consequences. Dire consequences, if something isn't done.

Some Problems At Susquehanna

Health physics issues over the last couple of years.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Tumor Heterogeniety

Thanks Nature! I haven't had time to read the link, but thought I'd provide it for those interested. I'll try to catch up when I can.

GW Hiatus Puts Scientists On The Spot

Not really. It is heat that is causing the ice to melt and heat that is causing sea level rise. There have been short periods in the past in which surface temperatures have taken a hiatus, due to the complexity and variability of the inputs to climate.

Consulting This Week

Posts may range from scant to non-existent, but I'll do what I can.

Radioactive Contamination At NY Park

Seems to mostly be radium, not sure what else.